I’ve spent my adult life doing personal development. Hobbies have come and gone but that one thing never changed. I’ve relentlessly worked on my self via books, seminars, the internet and the rest.

So far so good. Personal development has changed my life for the better, but what if I’m one of the lucky ones?

There’s a dark side to personal development. It ruins the lives of those who encounter it.  I fought it. Today is the day to expose it.  Continue reading “Why personal development will make you miserable”

It’s extremely difficult for me to write this article. Rather, it was difficult. The reason you’re reading this now is that it just became easy. I just “got” it, so now I can articulate it.

I can share this thing that has been brewing for quite some time.

One of the biggest blockages that gets between an entrepreneur and her sales (that fickle conversion ratio of Strangers into Customers) is a lack of hugs, rainbows, fluffy unicorns and other good vibes.

Allow me to explain…  Continue reading “Why love, good vibes and fluffy bunnies will boost your sales”

You’re reading this because you’re curious. You’re an entrepreneur and some Shrink on the internet is offering to explain why you signed up for the life you did.

You’re curious because sometimes you don’t even know. Your entrepreneurial friends all make the same joke: “Sometimes I miss being an employee.” But it’s only ever a joke.

You’re committed. Even when things get really tough, you don’t think seriously about giving up and signing up for a cubical. Even if the thought crosses your mind.

I wrote this article for one reason. Knowing why you signed up for this life will give you the power to focus on what’s most important. Understanding the reason, beyond the promise of riches and freedom, will make you truly rich and free.

Seriously considering doing something else is… unthinkable. Let me tell you why.  Continue reading “Why you chose the entrepreneur life”

Beyond my roster of paying clients, I deal with a ceaseless flow of entrepreneurial enquiry. Thanks to my free Clarity Couch, I have my finger on the pulse of the entrepreneurial mind.

Getting stuck making the “big decision” is the most common issue I hear.

Should I commit to this project? Should I focus exclusively on X? Is this my purpose that I’ve found, or just another faux epiphany that’ll soon fade?

One of the ideas you’re contemplating today might be the one. That project where everything clicks into place and a deep flame of motivation ignites. That fire you’ve been waiting for.

Want to know how to find it?  Continue reading “How to know your purpose with utter certainty”

Humans have been predicting the apocalypse for hundreds of years. We’re intoxicated by the idea that when we hit a certain date, everything will change.

Entrepreneurs, smart though they are, are no less seduced by this thinking. Business owners get sucked into the idea that the calendar will tick over and suddenly… something will happen.

This thinking is pandemic at this time of year. Have you caught yourself dreaming about how 2013 “will be different”? Want to know the only real way to make the future better? Let’s break it down…  Continue reading “Why you secretly want the apocalypse to happen”

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