Your personality type determines your success.

Yikes. That’s an idea that shouldn’t resonate with anyone who reads this blog. Entrepreneurs are notoriously optimistic regarding our ability to overcome the cultural and biological conditioning that prevents us rocketing to success.

But what if we have it all wrong? Research indicates that one well documented personality type consistently produces more and better success than all the others.

EDIT: Free Testing for this trait is available – link at the bottom of this article (read it first, for context.) 

Continue reading “Why just one personality type guarantees success – Do you have it?”

Above all else, my client work always comes back to battling indecision. Business success is about making good decisions swiftly. You’ve got to be the most certain guy in the room.

Beginner entrepreneurs just procrastinate (fix that here) but seasoned pros get held up when they find themselves in a decision double bind.

It looks like this: “I have to make a decision before I move forward, but I can’t make a decision until I move forward!” 

Today’s post is designed to help you achieve two things. First, to identify when and where this double bind is occurring in your life/business. Second, to bust the paradox apart and get you moving despite feeling stuck. Continue reading “What to do when you can’t make a decision”

“You’re not really an adult at all. You’re just a tall child holding a beer, having a conversation you don’t understand.” 

– Dylan Moran

It’s the secret whispered behind the hands of entrepreneurs who are the best of friends. Just writing about this practically feels like a betrayal.

Everyone is afraid of being found out.

Shhh! Don’t utter the truth: That you tricked your way into success and you don’t really know what you’re doing. That you’re just a tall child holding a beer.

That you’re faking it. That you’re secretly an impostor!

Shh! Turns out, you’re just suffering from Impostor Syndrome. And, it’s good for you.

Continue reading “Why feeling like an impostor is good for you”

Entrepreneurs, myself included, love to tell themselves a lie about hard work. You convince yourself that today you must wake up and crush that to do list. You have to, you’ve been putting stuff off. Get productive, goddamnit!

Hard work is an essential part of any business success story, but if you look back on the big turning points in your career you’ll probably realize that, like me, it was “luck” or some kind of X Factor that really made the difference.

Bear with me, because if you’ve defined your life with a narrative of Blood, Sweat and Tears this idea isn’t going to feel good… initially. But when you find out how the most successful entrepreneurs create their lucky breaks, you might just un-furrow that brow.   Continue reading “How to manufacture your own lucky breaks”

This is a post I didn’t think I’d have to write. For a long time, I lapped up business advice from everyone who was smarter, more successful or better looking than me.

Most entrepreneurs do the same. They never have a problem doing so, because business advice is always good. More is better than less. Until it isn’t.

For a minority – truly successful business owners (like you), business advice can start to become dangerous.  Continue reading “The 3 types of business advice you should be extremely wary of”

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