Perhaps the widest acclaimed piece of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is: Know Thy Purpose. Followed closely with some synonym for “Make an impact”.

Hundreds of seminars and bulging business books howl urgent encouragement: Set aside all other thoughts and ideas until Clarity-of-Purpose is yours. Make a difference. Motivation and success will flow.

The underlying presupposition is that by somehow divining the precise correct business plan – the one you were perhaps “sent here” to perform – you’ll immediately hop in the carpool lane to business success and skip the worst parts of the journey. Make your purpose about “helping people” and you’ll get an even quicker shortcut to easy-street.

This feel-good cult of purpose has spawned thousands of wannabe entrepreneurs who claim they’re here to help others – but what if this attitude is actually sabotaging their business success?

Read on, to discover why making “Help People” your ultimate mission is a commercial and psychological disaster of colossal proportions.   Continue reading “Why Helping People is a Crock”

Some good friends and I joke around about axioms of the pop-psychology and personal-development industry: There are some hilarious statements used out there. They’re funny because they’re always true.

“You don’t trust your yourself” is perhaps the quintessential example. Statements like this are used by gurus, therapists and cult leaders all over to create instant “OMG-you-hit-the-nail-on-the-head!” feelings in the listener.

You don’t trust yourself, because you constantly beat yourself up for not doing “enough”. You hunt for solutions to motivation problems, because you don’t trust yourself to do the things you know you should. You fret about creating structure in your life to protect yourself from yourself: Better hide those cookies, or they’ll all get eaten!

Can we just write off “You don’t trust yourself” as a clever verbal trap, or is it tapping into something deeper? Is there a universal human confidence problem? Or are you just being paranoid? Either way you are your own worst enemy.

A lack of faith in yourself is impeding the wealth, freedom and impact you want to create – so let’s find out why you don’t trust yourself. And how you can find that faith again.  Continue reading “Why you do not trust yourself”

Each week, dozens of entrepreneurs tell me their biggest struggles via my Clarity Couch free consulting test drive. Again and again, I hear people crying out for a clone of themselves.

There is never enough time to work on the business, because everyone is too busy working in their business. Sound familiar?

You can’t outsource the big picture genius that’ll push your business to the next level – you have to make that happen yourself. If you’re constantly run off your feet putting out fires and keeping customers or staff happy, you have a problem.

So here’s my guide to cloning yourself.  Continue reading “What to do when you need to clone yourself”

I often write about the tussle between the conscious and unconscious mind of the entrepreneur. On one side of the ring, the logical and analytical. On the other, the intuitive and animal. Money might be one of the big wrestling matches of them all.

Money is the ultimate panacea of our time. It solves every problem. Though it can’t buy happiness, it sure as hell can rent it for a while.

For business owners, more cash is always better than less. In an interview, John D Rockefeller was asked “how many more dollars until your satisfied?” His reply: “Just one more dollar”.

More money, fewer problems. This is the logic of the conscious mind. But for entrepreneurs, it just isn’t true – only half of you really wants more money. And it’s killing your ability to make it. Continue reading “More money more problems – How you may be sabotaging your earning potential”

I love personal development, but it kinda poisons our minds.

Don’t get me wrong, some of the biggest shifts and growth in my life happened because of a seminar attended, a book read or a coach consulted. That stuff really does work – if you work it.

Nevertheless, personal development will suck the happiness out of your life if you’re not careful.  Continue reading “Why Self-Help Can Become an Addictive Trap”

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