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The three reasons home businesses fail revealed

Starting a home business is something that everyone dreams about, usually when we’re stuck in a distressing 9-to-5 rut.

Wishes of making money at home usually happen around 3pm on Tuesday afternoon. Sigh.

The grim reality of home-based business opportunities is this: Only a tiny percentage of home entrepreneurs ever achieve financial freedom!

Want a guaranteed method for money-making? Get a job. Read on to discover the truth about why home businesses don’t work…

Multi level marketing, Coaching Franchises and Internet marketing packages all make irresistible offers of wealth, freedom and happiness coupled with an intense sense of urgency that convinces you to “buy-in” today.

The confusing thing is the testimonials you’ve all seen (“I tripled my corporate salary in three months and was able to retire!”)…are usually true!

This means that somewhere out there, people are making a whole boat-load of cash with these home business programs.

This promise of easy money is what convinces normal people to invest huge amounts of up-front cash to get the “opportunity” to make more.

What the salesman doesn’t tell you:

Only a fraction of program participants actually make money using these models.

What differentiates these success-story individuals from the rest of the “punters” is psychology.

There are three crucial criteria/skills that most home business owners lack

Number 1: Coach-ability

Most people who buy into home business opportunities believe they already “have-what-it-takes” to be a successful entrepreneur.

Instead of paying attention to the guru’s specific instructions, formulas or strategies… they do things their own way.

Funnily enough, gurus become gurus because they make a ton of cash and then systematize the formula to sell to others (to make even more cash). My point? They know what they’re doing.

It’s easier to make money in home business if you can simply, mindlessly follow the formula laid out for you. Make the cold calls, use the scripts, build the sales pages etc.

Do this, and success happens just as soon as you funnel enough numbers (prospects, site-visitors etc) through your system.

Most people think they know better and fail because they can’t be taught. Spot the irony.

Number 2: Sales skills

“Uh-oh, I didn’t realise I’d have to sell to people!”

– Famous home-biz owner’s last words

Wake-up call people. Being successful as an entrepreneur, in business of any kind, requires sales skills.

Most home business owners fail because they’ve never been taught simple sales skills or been conditioned to accept, for example, that 80-90% of your multi-level-marketing interviews will not work.

Without the built in, hard-as-nails toughness of a seasoned sales person… your home business will fail.

AND, part of being “un-coachable” is saying to yourself “… well, I’ll succeed despite my lack of sales skills”.

Sorry, you won’t. It’s an absolute, un-deniable necessity of ANY kind of business success.

Home business start-ups fail because they lack these two essential, mental skills. There is an additional, all important third skill (as my headline suggests), but I’m not going to reveal it now.

Instead, let me know what you think it is, by hitting “reply” and leaving a comment below.


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  1. What a tease! Great article, you clearly know what you are talking about. I enjoy reading your posts. This one spells out the truth (again) with directness and respect.
    Yes, as the saying goes…you can’t make money and excuses at the same time.
    Home Business is a steep learning curve for most people, is requires discipline, commitment and perseverance plus integrity. With rewards greater than the effort (eventually).

    Keep up the great work, Peter.

  2. Thanks for the feedback Bonny. I wrote this one with you in mind – the intention was to raise a few eyebrows.

    Let me know what else you’d like to see written on home business psychology!

  3. Very true – although the smart players grow their expenses after their sales grow. Of course, mortgages, children and even food supplies are all big expenses that never go away.

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